
Prohibited Items

  |   Prohibited Items
  • Batteries (with Acid).
  • Any pornographic material.
  • Hazardous and radioactive material, Dangerous Goods, Liquids and semi-liquids.
  • Precious stones, gems and jewelry.
  • Foodstuff and liquor, Live Stock / Animals.
  • Firearms, explosives and military equipment, Flammable.
  • All items that infringe the Indian Postal Act Of 1898 and all restricted items as per the guidelines of IATA.
  • Uncrossed (bearer) drafts / cheque, currency and coins.
  • Toxic and Non-Toxic gases, Flammable solids.
  • Dead bodies of Human beings and Animals.
  • Passports, Currency Notes, Stamped and prepaid postal envelopes and parcels.
  • Unpacked Cotton Bales, Unpacked Dry Leaves, Counterfeit or pirated goods,Unpacked Woolen Goods.
  • Untanned Leather, Skins & Hides, Raw Fish, Dry Fish, Poison, Powders.
  • Drugs and Narcotics and Hemp material.
  • Gas Cylinders with compressed gas, Crackers / Explosives.
  • Oxidizing substances and Organic Peroxide..